Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cooking/Baking is Fun!!!

Recently i "fall in love" with baking or cooking by using Amway Queen Cookware (now is I-Cookware) . So i doing a lot internet research to find the most simple recipe.
Although they are looked not quite "pretty", but taste yummy yoh! :)

1) Muffin with Raisin 2)Manuka Honey Cake 3)ShaoBing With Black Pepper +Pork

4) Egg Cake with Sea weed 5) Chocolate & Orange Muffin
6) Smiling Huat Kuih

Thanks Xiaomitong to share the Shaobing recipe http://www.wretch.cc/blog/mitong/6094477

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Smile to the Lighting

My hubby forwarded a very meaningful sms to me yesterday.

" One rainy day, a mother started to pick up her son from school, thinking that he will fear the lighting. One the way she found him smilling at the sky for every strike of lighting. She asked why? He smiled and said "God is taking my photo, i have to look gud. That's why i smiled"

So smile when problem threatns.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


在某一天,我到那间专卖笨珍茄汁面的店(新山分店〕叫了水铰面,结果发现他们做的水铰内馅是放肉+咸鱼!!!而不是一般肉+鲜虾。可惜啊!这分明就是是“长的像水铰的酿豆腐” (味道跟酿豆腐的内馅一模一样〕。既然那样,我还到不论去吃酿豆腐算了!
而今天,我在古X茶喝下午茶,原本想点MANG KUANG(沙葛〕 KUIH 来吃,怎么知道却被前面的先生劫逐先登买完了。那我只好点好象水晶包的糕点来吃,而服务的AUNTY 也告诉我里面包的是MANG KUANG。这一碟糕点一共有3粒,我切开第一粒,发现里面包的馅料并不是MANG KUANG 而是红豆!甜的!而第二粒则是包芋头!也是甜的!可是...我就只想吃咸的。没办法,只好硬着头皮吃完那2粒,结果要吃第3粒的时候,才发现那一粒才是有包MANGKUANGD的。这是,我突然觉得有点饱了,因为那个水晶皮又厚又有点硬!我不明白,水晶包的皮不是应该是放咸的料的吗?

Monday, March 2, 2009



Valentine Day 2009

This is our valentine's day dinner ...convinient and simple.